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Meet The Founder


Hello!  My name is Chelsea Caswell.

I graduated with my Bachelor's in secondary mathematics, and I'm currently pursuing a Master's in Education at Bowling Green State University. My Master's is in Curriculum and Teaching, and I'm earning a certificate in Ethnic Studies. My research focuses on a combination of curriculum and Ethnic Studies as I'm investigating the 


effects of a secondary Ethnic Studies curriculum and interviewing secondary teachers and administrators on their perceptions of such a curriculum.


I'm a Michigan native, love hockey and painting, and I'm a social justice advocate.  I also try to live everyday with the kindness that my grandmother taught me, and dedicate my efforts in education to her.


In the past year, I worked with one of the most inspiring mathematics educators I've had the pleasure of meeting: Dr. Gabriel Matney. Together, we taught our university's second and third math secondary education course to some promising future math teachers. I also had the honor of being an Executive Graduate Assistant to one of my favorite events: Math Camp.


This year, I will be a TA for our university's Intro to Education courses, so I'll be able to meet tons a new aspiring teachers!

WHAT I came from


Educators in Context and Community (ECCO) is a group on BGSU's campus designed for education majors.  Being a part of this group has given me the opportunity to intern at schools in surrounding areas, but I've spent the majority of my time interning in Toledo's urban schools. Thanks to these experiences, I've been able to build relationships with students and teachers, and ultimately find my passion to teach in urban communities.

Additionally, it's given me an environment to work with my peers, and remind me that when we work together, amazing things can happen.

Math Camp:

This is one of my favorite parts about going to school.  Math Camp is student lead with two professors advising us and working behind the scenes to make everything happen: Dr. Bostic and Dr. Matney.  I've been fortunate enough to participate in the collegiate camp, volunteer in another four camps, and co-run two others.


The goal of Math Camp is to show elementary and middle school students that math can be enjoyable, it can teach you so much more than equations and


numbers, but ultimately you can always persevere if you work hard for it.  We also get to work with some of the math teachers who work for the schools we visit, and they get to see the interactive stations and activities that we put on throughout the day.  As a volunteer and pre-service teacher, I've gotten to work with students in a setting that is much like teaching: sometimes unpredictable, sometimes one-on-one, mostly with groups of students, and with my peers.  It's also encouraged me to think outside of the box with my lessons, and inspired me to create this website show I can share these activites with other teachers.  


Alpha Phi Omega:

Joining this service fraternity was one of the best spontaneous decisions that I've made.  Being able to surround myself with incredible people is one obvious benefit, but it's even better to be with those who value helping others.  APO gave me the chance to give back to the community on a campus, community, and nation-wide level with people who are genuine.  

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