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Discussion Forums

We want to hear about your experiences.

Our forums are dedicated to different groups of educators who have been in this for decades, years, months, or who are still working toward it. This allows us to look at teachers in different contexts and communities so we can share our struggles and hopes as well as support each other, because at the end of the day we're all a huge international team fighting for our students.

Pre-Service Teachers

Read or share your own stories, experiences, and thoughts on what it's like being a pre-service teacher.  From the bad field placements, to the coffee-filled balancing act as a student and pre-service teacher, we share it all.

Pre-Service Teachers


We were all warned that the first year is the worst year, and trust us, you are not alone.  Whether it's advice on what not to do, or the story that got you there, we want to hear about it.  

Remember: plan, eat, teach, sleep, repeat...give or take a few.

First-Year Teachers

We're Not New Here

You've done the lessons, had more coffee than you could imagine, and survived those dreadful first few years.  So what's next?  

When teaching becomes a strange mixture of family, work, and frustration, tell us about it.

We're Not New Here

The Funny Things

Have a student eating glue?  11th grade can be strange.

Working with people can be an interesting experience in any career, but teaching adds the glitter, body-odor, poorly timed jokes, and sass that other working environments just don't have (or atleast not all in the same day).

Have a good laugh and share your embarassing moments here

(because we know you have them).


If you need to vent or find someone who relates to wondering if it's really that hard to refill the toner when it's empty, or the struggles of dealing with frustrated parents as you run on your tenth cup of coffee and six piles of homework waits for you at home, you're in the right spot.

When it feels like the rest of the world doesn't have your back, we do.


From the hard lessons and realizations that keep your mind busy to the heartwarming moments, there's a story to tell and we want to hear it.

The Funny Things
When You're Frustrated
For The Soul
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